

Becoming an intentional physician

I hope you found the preceding stories and shared perspectives to be helpful as you begin your journey to become a more intentional physician. Be deliberate and purposeful when making career decisions, and remember that colleagues, role models, and mentors are important contributors to your evolving professional identity.

A foundational trait of intentional physicians is humility. Physicians who are humble remain self-reflective and continue to improve throughout their careers, understanding that it is important to know what you do know and what you do not know. Empathetic physicians provide compassionate patient-centered care, improving clinical outcomes. Physicians who are curious remain lifelong learners, creating novel solutions to challenges in healthcare. Ethical physicians commit to providing the best medical care available for their patients without regard to their socioeconomic status or background. And finally, physicians who are altruistic dedicate themselves to improving the lives of others and the delivery of healthcare.

Emily made the difficult decision to change her career path when she found her interests and career aspirations were better suited for another specialty. She also discovered her love for critical care medicine, teaching, and leadership. She remains a role model and impactful leader at her institution.

Though Trent began his inaugural pediatric rotation unprepared to be a proactive learner, he ultimately embraced the Socratic method of teaching and thrived in a dynamic learning environment. He continues to teach in an academic children’s hospital, advancing the education of students, residents, and fellows as a dedicated clinician and educator.

Samuel, a resident I met in Ghana, was intentional when he reached out to me early in his career for counseling and assistance. His determination to advance his education and training provides an inspirational example of overcoming obstacles and achieving your career goals. He is using his advanced training to teach and improve the quality of clinical care at his hospital.

It has been a privilege to witness the career development of physicians who have become innovative leaders, advancing education, science, and medical practice. Just as gratifying is seeing these colleagues be happy and intentional in their lives and careers. I hope you can achieve your own happiness and professional goals.
