
Lab 2: Creating a General Purpose Map with the City Story Dataset

Total Points

20 points


 In this lab you will be creating two general-purpose maps in an area in your city that is of interest to you.

Learning Objectives

  1. Design two general-purpose maps using cartographic principles learned so far.
  2. Write a report that summarizes why you chose the city that you did, the intended audience and purpose of the map, along with the visual order of importance of the map features.


General Purpose Maps

Create two general-purpose 8.5” x 11” maps of your city based on the cartographic principles you have learned so far.

Map One

  • Scale: 1:24,000
  • Must not include any color – design in greyscale only.
  • Must include the following features:
    • At least three types of transportation features (e.g., interstate, local roads, rails, trails, etc.)
    • At least three types of waterbodies (e.g., lake or pond, reservoir, etc.)
    • At least one type of flowlines (e.g., streams, artificial paths, etc.)
    • At least one political boundary feature.
  • For the purpose of this lab, features are considered different if defined differently in the data (e.g., local and collector roads have different TNMFRC codes; lakes and reservoirs have different FTypes).
  • Produce the map at 8.5” x 11’’

Map Two

  • Scale: 1:100,000
  • Must include some or all color.
  • Must include the following features:
    • At least four types of transportation features (e.g., interstate, local
      roads, rails, trails, etc.)
    • At least two types of waterbodies (e.g., lake or pond, reservoir, etc.)
    • At least two types of flowlines (e.g., streams, artificial paths, etc.)
    • At least one political boundary feature (e.g., parish, city limits)
  • For the purpose of this lab, features are considered different if defined differently in the data (e.g., local and collector roads have different TNMFRC codes; lakes and reservoirs have different FTypes).
  • Produce the map at 8.5” x 11”


Include a 100-word report in which you discuss the area of interest that you mapped. Explain the your intended purpose and audience for the map (you can come up with a scenario). Also, be able to explain the intended visual order of importance to the map features that you included and symbolized on the map and how that order was achieved. Use this naming convention for your report: LastName_Lab2_Report.


Submitting Deliverables

  • 100-word report in which you discuss why you chose the city that you did and some of the trends you might be interested in exploring in your chosen city given the datasets that you downloaded. Use this naming convention for your report: LastName_Lab2_Report.
  • General purpose maps of your city. Use this naming convention for your maps: LastName_Lab2_Map1, LastName_Lab2_Map2.
  • Include your maps, report, and data folder in a folder with the name LastName_Lab2.

Lab 2 Rubric

This lab is worth 20 points total. Use the following rubric to help you complete your assignment. Adhering to the rubric will assure that you receive full points for the assignment.

Report: 8 points

Criteria Points Value
The report is at least 100 words long. 3
The report discusses why you chose the city that you did, some of the trends that you would like to explore and other relevant information about your maps. 4
The report has the required naming convention. 1

General Purpose Map: 10 points

Criteria Points Value
An 8.5″ x 11″ general purpose greyscale map that is 1:24,000 scale, includes three types of transportation features, three types of water bodies, two types of flow lines, and one political boundary feature. 5


Am 8.5″ x 11″ general purpose map that has some or all color that is 1:100,000 scale, includes four types of transportation features, two types of waterbodies, two types of flowlines, and one political boundary.


Submission Folder: 2 points

Criteria Points Value
A folder using the naming convention of LastName_Lab2 which contains all required deliverables 2


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