
Lab 6: Multivariate Visualization

Total Points

20 points


In this lab, we will map uncertainty and multivariate mapping with census data with census variables related to employment related to your city. For this lab, you will imagine yourself as working as a GIS analyst for the economic development agency in your chosen city. You will show the unemployment rate on the city level by census tract. In addition, you will consult on site selection based on the needs of three types of businesses by mapping the percentage of the population in these trades. To show employment trends on the city level, you will need to do this by census tract. You will be using the Census S2301 – Employment Status table for the employment rate data and Census S2405 – Industry by Occupation for the Civilian Employed Population 16 Years and Over for the industry data.

You will need to create a report analyzing the trends you see in your maps. Your report should be no longer than 7 pages (this page count is inclusive of all text and maps). In addition, you will do a small multiples map showing a different employment related variables by census tract.

For the sake of simplicity, we are using census tracts, but in a real-world setting, it is recommended to use community boundaries that are relevant to the needs of your organization which might be neighborhoods or wards.

Learning Objectives

  • Create both a primary map and three smaller maps.
  • Compile these maps into a neat and useful document with supporting text and good design.

Overall Lab Requirements

For Lab 5, your only deliverable will be a single compiled PDF with text and images of your maps.


Primary Map

  • Create a map showing the unemployment rate (column S2301_C04_001E in the S2301 data table) of the state that your chosen city resides in by county along with the associated uncertainty by Census tract. You will use the percent margin of error to map the uncertainty (column S2301_C04_001M in the S2301 data table).
  • Any null values should be mapped but not prominent in the map’s visual hierarchy.
  • Thoughtfully select an appropriate symbolization method, projection, and visual variables for your map.

Small Multiples

  • The economic development agency is working with three types of businesses with the desire to increase the number of jobs in the city:
    •  A major logistics company that is interested in opening a distribution center (transportation, and warehousing, and utilities).
    • A mid-size retailer who is interested in opening a new store site (retail trade).
    • A consumer goods start-up who wants to open a manufacturing plant (manufacturing).
  • Create three small multiple maps within one map frame showing the percentage of the population in the selected industries: 1) transportation, and warehousing, and utilities 2) retail trade 3) manufacturing. Look for areas that have a low percentage of the population working in these trades and identify areas that would be suitable to place the above facilities.
  • One small multiple map per variable (so it should be three maps total) so the economic development agency can have a better look of the employment trends per variable.

Submission Instructions

  • Export your maps as jpegs and include them as figures in a report with accompanying text. As when creating a map layout, attend to aesthetics, visual hierarchy, and negative space.

Lab 6 Rubric

Use the following rubric to help you complete your assignment. Adhering to the rubric will assure you will receive full points for the assignment. You must make sure all maps follow recommended cartographic principles regarding symbolization method, projection, and visual variables.

Map 1: Primary Map, 5 points

Criteria Points Given
Mapping the unemployment rate along with an uncertainty map. Any null values should be mapped and not prominent (-1 point if you fail to do this). 5

Map 2: Small multiples map, 6 points

Criteria Points Given
A small multiples map that shows the percentage of individuals employed in transportation, warehousing, and utilities. 2
A small multiples map that shows the percentage of individuals employed in manufacturing. 2
A small multiples map in which maps of the three variables related to 1. Transportation, warehousing, and utilities 2. Retail and 3. Manufacturing are in one map frame and are side by side for easy comparison. 2

Map 3: Compiled document, 9 points

Criteria  Points Given
Use concise explanatory text for legends, titles, and any additional map text. 3
500+ word report answering the following questions

  1. What is average unemployment rate in your city and where is the highest and lowest unemployment rates within your city?
  2. What is the average rate employment in the trades of interest of the economic development agency?
  3. Which trade has the highest and lowest employment rates?
Given the economic development agency is working with three stakeholders, recommend the best areas in the city to pursue these initiatives and provide a rationale behind your recommendation:

    1. A major logistics company wanting to open a distribution center
    2. A mid-size retailer who is interested in opening a new store site
    3. A consumer goods start-up who wants to open a manufacturing plant.

What role should the knowledge of data uncertainty play in your recommendations?




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