
This week we covered these topics:

  • Symbolizing points, lines, polygons, 2.5D and 3D features
  • The major types of thematic maps
  • Geographic phenomena models
  • Geographic representation by data type
  • Types of maps
  • Legends for different types of maps
  • Map wording

One interesting map that makes use of the dot density map is Mapping Segregation by New York Times, which is a dot density map by ethnicity across the U.S. Take a look at the dot density map of various metropolitan areas. What patterns do you see? Do you think the dot density map best shows ethnicity across the U.S?

Racial Segregation Map of Chicago which shows racial demographic information with colored dots.
Figure 1.10.1 Map of Chicago classified by various dots which represents racial makeup in the Mapping Segregation project.

Image source: New York Times


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